Jusan trading platform
The best tool for increasing your capital!
We are a part of the Jusan ecosystem
- Modern investment functionality built into the Jusan super app
- Benefit from all products of the ecosystem
Quick account opening
- Opening an account through the app
- Using biometrics technology
Investing is convenient and easy
- User-friendly interface with multiple functions
- Wide range of investment products
Securities store
- The largest store of local and international securities
- Convenient sorting by category, interest and industry
Track your portfolio
- Clear display of your portfolio
- Follow the change with ease
Buy and sell securities with the tap of your finger
- To confirm you need an SMS code
- Your application is sent directly to the exchange without delay
Are you a novice investor? Take training with Jusan Invest
- Useful video clips about investments in simple words
- Regular webinars with international speakers
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